Galbreath Family | Honolulu Hawaii

For everyone who has been following my blog this week… you know I’m in Hawaii!! Here is the main reason we are here this week… The Galbreath Family. Michael was stationed here in February for the next few years. We have enjoyed our stay on Oahu for the past two weeks, but sadly have to go home tomorrow. 🙁  Before the long plane ride home… let me share their family portrait session… This shot was Nicole’s idea! Love it!

I’m not longer calling these headshots… but profile updates! ha ha ha.

Nicole has the prettiest smile!

Taking a break from the HOT sun!

They are adorable together!

More formal portraits…

Nick playing around… His voice cracks me up… such a little man!

We had the “rainforest” for a backdrop and this cool gazebo!

These make me smile!

Nicole likes flowers so these are for her…

Thank you Michael for taking off all week to hang out with us!!! Thank you Nicole for all the yummy meals… and boys for keeping it entertaining!!! We really enjoyed your visit with us this same time last year and were very excited to come visit ya’ll! We will miss you! I know Josh really wished he still lived here too!