SC Weddings & My Nieces | Personal

So I got to go home for the weekend. A definite perk for doing wedding photography in So. Carolina. I fly in the day prior to avoid any travel drama and for holiday weekend weddings my policy will now be flying in 2 days prior to the wedding. I say this because with reduced flights now it’s harder to get re-booked over a holiday weekend. Extending trips to destination spots will also allow me to take photographs around town and the area of the wedding before so the couple may have art prints to remember their destination. Below is a shot when I just landed in the Greenville/Spartanburg Airport. Ahhh… home.

Since weddings are typically on Saturdays, I get to spend all day Sunday with my family. I have two nieces that sometimes shine for the camera, other times run. They are by far my most difficult subjects to photograph because they know me and just want to play. They are going to teach me to be a better lifestyle photographer because there is no posing or looking at the camera for them!  However, the last time I came down Annalisa ran up to me and said, “Take MY picture!” So I was quite hopeful for our session.

We decided to go to Milikin and have a tea party picnic. Adilea was fascinated with the ducks, which DO bite!

Annalisa twirls with her eyes closed! So cute.

Adilea was not in the “picture mode” today, typical for her. Once she saw the big fountain she just wanted to run around and splash!

A quick outfit change for “wet” Adilea… but back into the fountain!

Annalisa’s personality is BIG. Eyes wide open and face full of expression. Everything in THE WORLD is THE BEST! She is quite the entertainment. She started talking earlier than most. She doesn’t have the repeat word conversations but actually gets the gist and adds her own personal feelings and thoughts. It’s so funny to see this in such a little person have an adult conversation. She just turned 3.

Annalisa is quite the big sister to Adilea, who also just had a birthday and turned 2! This is how you typically would see Adilea, thumb in mouth just so! Her personality is very similar to my own. Very laid back and “deals” with the high energy older sister. She’ll take it all day but when she’s had enough that’s it.

Taking a moment to enjoy the summer. Cool water on a hot day is the best!

Searching to make a wish…

Grandma creating her own fun with the girls!

Me and my nieces! Bring on the So. Carolina weddings!!!