Artfully crafted by beginning potter Dallas Galbreath
I’ve always thought I would one day have an old barn on my property and set up shop as a potter. There’s something comforting about the thought of molding clay and at the end of the process having not only art, but functioning pieces. This winter I decided it would be wise to take a class before fully making the mental investment as to my future as a potter. I am very fortunate to be so close to talented artists at the Toledo Potters’ Guild to do just that. Stephen Johnston was my Monday night instructor for the next 10 weeks. Last night was week eleven, where I was able to pick up my “art.” Although most of my pieces are bowls, others made a variety of steins, berry bowls, plates, vases, mugs, and so on… I have to be honest. Pottery is a lot harder than I originally thought and takes some skill. The first challenge is getting your clay centered. I struggled with this most nights whereas other nights I was in the groove. Once centered you need to make the clay stable by raising and lowering several times. Then the fun part… forming the clay. I really enjoyed the experience as a beginner potter but I know I need more than 10 sessions to commit to the art of pottery. Maybe next winter, for now my time is directed again to wedding photography. Next weekend is the start of the season for me!