I met Stephanie a few weeks back at a local women’s networking event. Unfortunately, I was unavailable for her wedding date… but I did get to do her engagement session! She’s having an out of town wedding so I was happy to have a fun session with them both. We decided to start at Wildwood Metropark. Jesse actually used to work for the park system but is now a dispatcher for the University of Toledo.
I love Wildwood because of their boardwalks… however, today we all forgot our bug spray. Normally not an issue but we’ve been having soooooo much rain!
Stephanie is adorable!! 🙂
I love this look Stephanie is giving Jesse.
The bling! bling!
I have to say this is my favorite shot of our session… 🙂 Cute smiles.
Something about this shot just makes me smile.
We had such a nice day to be in the park. One of our first warm days in a long time.
After the park we headed to downtown Toledo for some night photography!!
If there’s one thing most people recognize about Toledo it’s Tony Packo’s Hungarian hot dogs.
Love it!